This is a revision and reference grammar book whose purpose is to act as support for any course of Persian, and especially to help students in their early and intermediate stages.
It is not a course book. Each paragraph makes as few assumptions as possible about previous knowledge of the theme being studied. The book docs not claim to examine every point in the language, merely to cover the most practical ones.
Maximum advantage has been taken of the fact that Persian has an Indo-European grammatical structure, familiar to most Europeans.
Although the book follows modern spelling, it indicates also those older forms of spelling still found today.
The transcription accompanying the Persian script is an accurate reflection of the pronunciation. Educated colloquial variants of the standard pronunciation are shown and explained; this colloquial pronunciation is socially completely 'correct', and you are recommended to use it whenever you are not reading aloud or quoting from a written text. Standard pronunciation is always acceptable; but without a knowledge of colloquial pronunciation you will miss much of what is said to you; and your own spoken Persian will never 'take off without at least some use of it. Colloquial forms are shown in angular quotation marks < > in the transcription.
Grammar books sometimes separate much information into morphology (word structure) and syntax (sentence structure). Many students find this distinction unnecessary In this book, points of syntax are, as far as possible, studied together with the appropriate parts of speech. The syntax chapter examines only those points which cannot be so studied.
(Kitab Fars dilinin qrammatikası haqqındadır. Əlifba da daxil olmaqla müəllif başlanğıc səviyyədən başlayaraq, Fars dilinin ümumi qrammatikasının geniş izahını vermişdir.)